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The “Clean Slate” of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

What is Chapter 7 bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy Discharge

Bankruptcy is a process created by federal law that provides relief for debtors, who can either eliminate their debts or repay their debts. Chapter 7 “liquidation” is the process by which debtors wipe out or “discharge” many of their debts.

Equity Security Holders

An equity security holder is a holder of an equity security of the debtor in a bankruptcy case. Examples of an equity security are a share in a corporation; an interest of a limited partner in a limited partnership; or a right to purchase, sell, or subscribe to a share, security, or interest of a share in a corporation or an interest in a limited partnership.

Dischargeability of Taxes in Bankruptcy

Debtors may be able to discharge some or all of their older income tax obligations in bankruptcy. Dischargeability of these taxes turns on the question whether or not they are “priority” claims. Tax obligations that are non-priority are dischargeable.

Chapter 7 Eligibility

A petitioner must reside in or have a domicile, a place of business, or property in the United States in order to file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. The petitioner must not have been granted a Chapter 7 discharge within the last six years or completed a Chapter 13 plan.

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